Thursday, April 26, 2012

Why is our British Short-hair that was sprayed 1 yr ago cat-calling again?

she shouldnt realy be calling she might just be copying other cats spaying does remove the urge to mate and is the correct term for neutering a female cat and only females call not males

Why is our British Short-hair that was sprayed 1 yr ago cat-calling again?

Probably because it should have been SPAYED, not SPRAYED.

Why is our British Short-hair that was sprayed 1 yr ago cat-calling again?

It sounds like you have a tom-cat, why did you spay instead of neutering? Mostly the males do the calling.

Why is our British Short-hair that was sprayed 1 yr ago cat-calling again?

If you are "fixed" it doesn't mean the urge is still there. There are obviously other cats still around and their scent is attracting your cat's attention. You just have to tolerate it.

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