Friday, April 27, 2012

How to use heat defence spray?

i just spray it on my hair and and then use the straightener or wait a few sec. for my hair to dry?cuz after a spray it on my hair its a little wett...


How to use heat defence spray?

NEVER, EVER use a flat iron on WET hair. It's very bad for your hair and can cause breakage and frizz.

Heat defense spray is fine if you are going to blow dry first. Make sure your hair is completely dry before those irons hit it. Personally I do not like the sprays that the salons try to get you to buy because they have alcohol in them that dries out your hair along with the heat of the iron. (I once had a stylist tell me that alcohol "evaporates" in the air before it hits your head so I could use anything with alcohol in it. Yeah, right)

I have used BioSilk by Farouk or Citre Shine Anti Frizz Serum with UV Filter for years and swear by this stuff. Both products looks like a bottle of baby oil, and you use a few drops and spread it through your hair before you style. BioSilk has some alcohol in it but it detangles like mad which is great before you flat iron. Citre Shine has no alcohol, a UV filter, and I use it in the shower when my hair is still sopping wet and run it through. I have completely straight blonde hair and it NEVER tangles with this stuff (either one) and looks great if I run irons through it too. I also have friends with super curly afro hair that use these too and love it.

How to use heat defence spray?

Its best used on washed blowed dried hair. Wash your hair towel dry spray on your heat defense then blow dry then style your hair with your flat iron or whatever straightning method you use

How to use heat defence spray?

blow dry ur hair, spritz a little of that heat-defence spray evenly on ur hair, brush it and then use the straightener...

How to use heat defence spray?

i dont know i bought heat defense spray from alboni 2 days ago. and i sprayed it on my hair right before flat irioning and it didnt work very well. my hair was dry and when i put the stuff in it reacted just like it would if my hair were wet. so it basically just got all frizzy and ugly. so dont do that :P

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