Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hair stling problem?

ok i weant to style my hair by crimping it so my friend told me to braid it/ well do i braid it then spray my hair with hairspray wait until it dries then take it out am i supposed to brush it? or will that make it frizz any halp is appreciated thanx :)

Hair stling problem?

dont brush it,

that will just cause it to pouf

make sure the braids are really tight

nd im not really a big fan of hairspray

Hair stling problem?

Dont brush it just makes it wavey

Hair stling problem?

um this is what i think:

wet your hair

braid it

(you can put hairspray when your done if you want so that it holds more)

leave it over night, if not then for 2 to 3 hours maybe just til it dries

let it down

scrunch it a little


put some more hair spray on it

annnnd vwuala! haha good luck[;

Hair stling problem?

,well me personally i don't like hairspray i think that fries your hair more i believe using gel . i don't know ,but try it out then let me know or even coco butter to.

Hair stling problem?

No!!! u r not sipposed to brush it! no, way. because if u do it will make your hair staticy and frizzy (expessialy if you have long strait hair.)

Hair stling problem?

DO NOT BRUSH IT!!!!! lol but im serious if you brush it then about 95% of the time it will frizz!!!! And if you do go with your friends idea dont use too much hairspray and it works better it yor french braid it instead of just plain braids. And i would recommend to ditch what your friends said and eather use a crimper or a curling iron.... hope i helped :)


Hair stling problem?

you have to braid your hair wet and let it dry braided. you can use products as you braid of after you braid but i wouldn't keep it in my hair for days! fly aways are sure to occur so do it early morning or many be late at night (sleep on it). when your ready take them apart with your fingers only and then finish off with accesories if you like. like everyone else said. no brushes. it will only make your hair fluffy. you can also opt for a crimping iron but i like the sleeping on the braids idea personally

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